Thursday, August 15, 2013

Soul Nia workshop -

Join us for a couple hours of deepening our relationship to the 52 basic moves of the Nia Technique.  Here is how Nia Technique describes the music of Soul:  Earthy and raw, this routine blends the percussive, live instrumentation of Native American music with thick electronic beats, awakening the primal dance within. 
Saturday, August 31
2:00 – 4:30 PM
Downtown Dance
223 NW 2nd St., Corvallis
Cost: $25 by August 25
($30 thereafter)
  •  Learn the basic moves we do in every Nia class
  • Practice and build confidence and comfort with the moves
  •  Learn ways to modify the moves to meet your needs
  •  Learn how you can increase intensity for a more dynamic workout
  •  Learn how you can decrease intensity to heal a physical challenge or if you are just beginning your exercise program.
  •  Learn a new Nia routine ~ SOUL ~ which incorporates the 52 basic Nia moves. We will be doing this routine in our regular Nia class for the following week, so you can feel grounded in the moves and in the routine.
Come to class or contact me to reserve your space!

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