Wednesday, September 3, 2008


What is it about Nia that feels so special? Why do people who practice Nia seem especially beautiful? I think it is, in part, because we all have a desire to feel better and we are willing to stretch ourselves - move outside of our comfort zones - to learn new patterns of movement, dance, and play together to achieve that better feeling. For that hour of class, we share the best of who we are with each other. It does not require words, in fact, words often get in the way of sharing who we really are. So, dancing, without conversation, seems to allow the beauty of spirit to shine through without obstruction. And it all happens with seemingly no effort! At the end of class my skin is wet and salty, but I do not feel tired; I feel cleansed, released, wholesome, and connected. The sense of connectedness is so palpable that we have to touch hands to honor that feeling. I feel blessed that so many of you juicy, lovely, inspiring people are willing to take the time to share who you really are with me and each other. It has been an honor to dance with you and I hope to see more of you in the coming years. Stay JUICY -- Dance through life!

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