Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rise! Dance! Strike! One Billion Rising

We're doing the One Billion Rising Flashmob again this year.  However, the V-Day event is now postponed because of impending flooding, deluge, etc.  It will be rescheduled for a much nicer day in April at a wonderful location.  I've been waiting to hear if something might happen indoors V-Day - but no word.  So, unless you get an emergency email - it's off for Friday 2/14/14.

One Billion Rising is an international organization dedicated to ending violence against women.  While violence against women has been institutionalized for millennia, NEVER in the history of humanity has there been a rally this big (planetary) to break the chain of violence.  We are creating history.  Changing our story.  And as cultures learn to appreciate women and stop treating us like things, we change the way we relate to our MOTHER - Earth.  It's all related.

The links you need to participate:
To sign up and find out about group rehearsals and any changes - and make your presence known!
To follow on facebook
Choreography tutorial
See last years flashmob

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Where's the Gift?

Dawn came up after class with the most beautiful, touching insight – that I just had to explore it a little more than we could in the moment.  She said that she was thinking of her excess weight as stored energy (not a new idea to her) and wondered – since it is energy – how could she use it to make a contribution?  How could she make a gift of this energy?  [As opposed to thinking of it as something to get rid of.]  She acknowledged that in an agricultural society, people did physical work and used most of their energy, and that this is no longer the case.  As she was puzzling over ideas to appropriately use that stored energy, she thought of biking out to visit the father of a friend who is home-bound.  The thought of making sacred, or making a gift of something that we may be accustomed to seeing as a bother or a problem intrigues me.

Just that morning, I found out that a zumba class had been scheduled at the same time as my evening Nia class, only a half hour earlier – a more desirable time.  This is a worrisome situation for me.  I love my classes so much that I feel grief when I think that my classes may be cancelled because people prefer the better time or other class.  I longed to make a shift that would allow me to see the gift in this – so Dawn’s insight came at just the right time for me.  (Amazing how that happens – thank you for sharing it, Dawn!)  It seemed so easy and natural to her when she told me about it.  And, we set ourselves up for insights by showing up, setting the stage with positive expectations (like we do in wellness coaching), and practice – like we do in class or meditation.  So, I’m guessing Dawn has a number of ways she sets herself up for such a happy insight.

So, techniques I can use to see things differently are:
  •  Choosing love (instead of fear).  The classes are so sweet that it is easy to see the love there.  If the classes were to end soon, did I love as much as I could, as deeply as I could, and appreciate everyone as much as I could?  None of us knows how much time we have left.  Will we leave any love unexpressed, anyone unacknowledged?  What can I do to share my love and appreciate more.
  • Teach every class as if it were the last.  Again, we never know.  If I knew that this would be my last day on earth, how would I want to show up?
  •  Practice being at home in the unknown instead of worrying about what might, or might not happen.  When my mind wants to dwell on the potential loss, stop and celebrate what I have. 

Dawn’s insight adds purpose and meaning to something loaded with negative feelings for most people.  I’m guessing it allows her to live with a greater sense of peace and the joy of making a contribution.  By giving her gift of energy – she becomes the gift.  I’m hoping my strategies will help me live with greater peace, love, and passion through this potentially challenging transition. 

How could you transform the way you look at a challenge in your life to find a greater sense of peace and purpose?  Feel free to comment.